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Parents Were Nervous To Introduce Baby To Newly Adopted Cat. The Way They Bond Will Bring A Smile To Your Face


Image Credit: YouTube Snapshot

Cats are unique animals that unlike dogs, will tell you right off the bat if they like you or not. Most of the time they will shun your attention and basically treat you like a servant, or a peasant.

But when they like you, it’s like you won the lottery. You see, cats choose very carefully who they will grace with their affection. When you’re the chosen one and when they decide to show all their love to you, you better appreciate it.

A couple decided to adopt a cat and named him Lemsie. They were concerned about how the cat would react around their toddler, which is understandable since cats can be a little jealous at times.

The parents decided to film the first encounter between Lemsie and their baby boy. The video couldn’t be any more precious. They formed an almost immediate bond and the cat seems to have found someone whom he will love and protect for all his life given the affection he literally showered on the little boy.

Watch the video below. It will bring a smile to your face!

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Via: Bored Panda

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