Norbert, is a truly one of a kind pooch. He was the only dog in his litter and is a mixed breed of Chihuahua, Cairn Terrier & Lhasa Apso.
He was born with curly dark brown hair, but during his first two years of life, his fur color changed dramatically. Now he looks like a tiny fluffy snowflake!!
When his mom, Julie Steines found him up for adoption at Petfinder he was in need of a special kind of home because of his size. He’s only 7 inches tall and weighs 3.5 pounds! She fell in love with him and knew right away he was special. He lived in California and crossed the country, all the way to Boston, to live with his new mom.
Julie noticed that Norbert had something about him that made people smile. One day, while out with her mom and Norbert in Boston, a lady at a store said that Norbert would make a perfect therapy dog. Julie had never heard of such thing.
After lots of research, she decided to make Norbert a therapy dog. She trained him and when he was just 1-year-old, the tiny pup became a registered therapy dog and started working his charm at a nursing home and a children’s hospital.
Norbert is now back living in California and he’s a pro, bringing love, comfort and smiles to all the sick children he visits at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He’s signature trick definitely are his high-fives. He’s a star wherever he goes!
With the help of his mom and grandma, Norbert designed a plush toy to look just like his cute self for a project called ”Norberthood For Good” and for every plush toy purchased, one is donated to the Toys For Tots Foundation, where it will be given to a child in need.
He’s also featured in a book series written by his mom and illustrated by his grandma.‘‘Norbert, What Can Little Me Do?” tells the story of becoming a therapy dog and finding his special gift.
As the saying goes, good things come in small packages…
To see more of Norbert’s adventures and daily cuteness, follow him on Instagram.
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