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This Is How A Mom Would Handle It! Parody Of The Famous Interrupted BBC Interview Goes Viral.

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When creating man and woman, God sure knew that lots would be expected from the ladies. As the years go by, a growing list of unrealistic expectations are added, leaving women all over the world tired, drained from energy and disappointed that they couldn’t do more.

Multitasking is hard-wired in women’s brains, making it one other thing the boys don’t share with the girls. Men have a much simpler brain where they are better at concentrating on single complex tasks.

This past week this screaming difference was portrayed for the whole world to see as Professor Robert E. Kelly was being interviewed by BBC from his home office about the current political situation in South Korea when both his adorable kids, Marion and James, barge in the room.

In a quick chain of events, the hilarious scene unfolds as the flustered man tries to signal the little girl to leave the room, but it all goes south when his baby son walks in a baby walker, followed by his wife realizing what kind of trouble they were all in at that point. If you haven’t seen it yet, please do. It will definitely put a smile on your face!

To point out how differently a man and a woman would react to the same circumstances, satirical TV show Jono and Ben, from New Zealand, made a parody where a woman experiences the same situation as Professor Kelly, with her daughter walking in the room while she is interviewed.

Instead of ignoring the little girl in hopes she would go away, she picks up the child to sit on her lap and feeds her a bottle while giving her baby son a toy to play with. The scene just gets more and more absurd, portraying how women deal with multiple tasks at the same time without missing a bit and doing a superb job while at it!

Please watch the video below and let us know what you think and please SHARE with your friends on Facebook!

BBC Interview Parody

Shout out to all the working women out there defusing bombs on a regular basis!

Posted by Jono and Ben on Thursday, March 16, 2017