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Little Girl Has Only Months To Live When Nanny Makes A Life Changing Decision To Help Her


Image Credit: Facebook/Farra Rosko

One the most incredible feelings we humans get to experience is the ability to connect with others. Some connections are so strong that feel almost like at a soul level. Most of the time it’s a feeling that can’t be explained, but somehow, we may find ourselves pulled in that person’s direction, and usually, the feeling is mutual. Next thing you know, a bond between two people is formed.

Image Credit: Facebook/Kristen Miles

That’s what happened to Kristen Miles, a 22-year-old college student from New Jersey. She had just started a job working for the Rosko family as a nanny, taking care of their three children when she learned that the youngest of them, 9-month-old Talia, had a rare and life-threatening liver disease that could be fatal if she didn’t receive a liver transplant in time.

Image Credit: Facebook/Farra Rosko

Kirsten started researching about liver transplants and decided to get tested to see if she could be a match to donate part of her liver to little Talia. She tested positive to be a match and even though doctors warned her about the complications she could suffer due to the procedure, Kristen decided to go ahead with it.

Image Credit: Facebook/Farra Rosko

“It’s such a small sacrifice when you compare it to saving a life,” Miles said to NBC4-NY. “Some of her doctors said she possibly wouldn’t have made it past 2 years old. All I had to do was be in the hospital for a week and a 5-inch scar.”

Image Credit: Facebook/Farra Rosko

The surgery was a success and Talia’s mom, Farra Rosko, said she doesn’t know what would’ve happened to her baby is Kristen hadn’t come into their lives at that point and time.

”I think people need to know that prayer does work, angels do exist and miracles happen every day,” she said to the Chicago Tribune. “I don’t know where we would be without Kiersten.”

Image Credit: Facebook/Farra Rosko

Kristen gave Talia and her family the most precious gift anyone could ever give them. Thanks to her, little Talia is now a happy and thriving toddler, with her whole life ahead of her!

Image Credit: Facebook/Farra Rosko

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